Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Die P61 Gallery präsentiert die faszinierende Ausstellung „Contract of Fiction“ – ein Projekt, das von der ikonischen Kreativität Jean-Michel Basquiats und Helmut C. Diez’ inspiriert wurde.

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Artist direct | Finissage | Eitan Vitkon – The longer one looks… Friday, 02/03 at 5pm

2. März 2018 - 3. März 2018

Vitkon’s photographs and video art are about memory, subject, perception, and above all time. The longer one looks…, looks at or looks away, the stronger becomes the emotional attachment to the observed, in a positive or perhaps negative way. The perception may distort, the memory changes, it may rest on certain details.

In his artworks, time could be reversed or stretched, or it simply stands still. Seen through the technologically sharpened or alienated eye, the natural components as well as human experiences appear almost detached from context, thus extracting fragility and vulnerability. Vitkon’s large-format works captivate due to their high precision and strong aesthetics. None of his pictures undergo any computerized post-processing. Vitkon »The longer one looks«


2. März 2018
3. März 2018
Eintritt: -


mz project room maia zinc
Kyffhäuserstraße 16
Berlin, 10781 Deutschland
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Veröffentlicht am: 28.02.2018 |

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