Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Die P61 Gallery präsentiert die faszinierende Ausstellung „Contract of Fiction“ – ein Projekt, das von der ikonischen Kreativität Jean-Michel Basquiats und Helmut C. Diez’ inspiriert wurde.

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VW – Veneklasen/Werner GmbH

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Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 26
Berlin, 10969
+49 30 816160418 

Art der Einrichtung:




VW (VeneKlasen/Werner) is a space for contemporary art, film and performance in Berlin.

VW (VeneKlasen/Werner) is a space for contemporary art, film and performance in Berlin.


VW (VeneKlasen/Werner) is a space for contemporary art, film and performance under the direction of Gordon VeneKlasen and Michael Werner. In 1963 Michael Werner opened his first gallery in Berlin with the premier exhibition of Georg Baselitz. Galerie Michael Werner was later established in Cologne in 1969. Since then, Galerie Michael Werner has worked with several of the most important artists of the twentieth century, including Marcel Broodthaers, James Lee Byars, Peter Doig, Jörg Immendorff, Per Kirkeby, Eugène Leroy, Markus Lüpertz, A.R. Penck, Sigmar Polke and Don Van Vliet. Michael Werner Gallery opened in New York in 1990 under the direction of Gordon VeneKlasen. In addition to leading contemporary American and European artists, the gallery specializes in works by modern masters including Hans Arp, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Piero Manzoni, Francis Picabia and Kurt Schwitters, with a focus on painting, sculpture and drawing. VW (VeneKlasen/Werner) opened in October 2009 with an exhibition of Aaron Curry and Thomas Houseago. With a varied program of film screenings, performances and exhibitions, VW aims to expand the role and reach of the traditional gallery.


Contemporary Art - Zeitgenössische Kunst

Elliot Hundley, James Lee Byars, Lucas Arruda, Markus Lüpertz, Zheng Guogu

Montag geschlossen
Dienstag von 11 bis 18 Uhr
Mittwoch von 11 bis 18 Uhr
Donnerstag von 11 bis 18 Uhr
Freitag von 11 bis 18 Uhr
Samstag von 11 bis 18 Uhr
Sonntag geschlossen
  • Es wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden.

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