Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Die P61 Gallery präsentiert die faszinierende Ausstellung „Contract of Fiction“ – ein Projekt, das von der ikonischen Kreativität Jean-Michel Basquiats und Helmut C. Diez’ inspiriert wurde.

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Resilience in the Artworld

28. Mai 2024

CONSTRUCTIVE MANIPULATIONS FOR STRATEGIC RESILIENCE is a new book retracing the years-long research by Fulya İLBEY on how people and organisations stay resilient in the era of polycrisis.

Reflecting on personal experiences and enriched with interviews with more than twenty visionaries from different walks of life and countries including Japan, the book is designed as a toolkit to build and sustain resilience. (Please visit for more details on the book.)

With particular focus on the criticality of socioeconomic resilience to the individual and organisational lives, the book has a substantial coverage on the resilience in the art world with important lessons from artists and cultural institutions.

On this beautiful spring night in Berlin, Fulya İLBEY and Mario BERMEL are inviting you to a live conversation to share their experiences in this critical topic and to generate answers to the following questions:

What is the definition of resilience in the art world?

What makes artworks, artists and cultural institutions resilient?

What are the lessons of resilience in Japanese art and culture?

What should change in art funding policies to improve resilience?

What lessons should the corporate world take from the resilience in the art world?

How can the corporate world go beyond the ‘performative’ sponsorships?


Fulya ILBEY is a London-based strategist and author.
See her profile on

Mario BERMEL is an art historian, modern & contemporary art dealer and curator at the Samurai Museum Berlin.
We are looking forward to welcoming you!

For more information:


28. Mai 2024
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Samurai Museum Berlin
Auguststraße 68 · 10117 Berlin
Berlin, 10117
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Veröffentlicht am: 22.05.2024 |

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